Sunday 3 April 2016

What is HCG Pregnyl And Why HCG Pregnyl Use For Weight Loss

HCG Pregnyl Informations

HCG is used to cause ovulation and to treat infertility in women, and to increase sperm count in men. HCG is also used in young boys when their testicles have not dropped down into the scrotum normally. This can be caused by a pituitary gland disorder.
HCG Pregnyl (human chorionic gonadotropin) is a hormone that is produced by the female placenta during pregnancy . HCG is an FDA approved medication normally used for female fertility issues and pediatric hormone therapy known to be able to cause ovulation.

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HCG is a natural hormone that is produced by the human body. Dr Simeons has done extensive research on the safety of HCG Pregnyl when used for weight loss and there is no evidence of any side effects. However you should always consult your doctor before administering any medication as any kind of use.

HCG Pregnyl Intake guidelines

Ask your physician how and when to take this medicine. You should not disobey any of your physician’s indications. You can also consult the drug’s label for further instructions. If you have any other questions, you should refer to a doctor, a pharmacist or a nurse. HCG Pregnyl should be stored in the refrigerator, at a temperature that is between 2°-8°C. Keep this medicine away from direct sunlight. Store it in a place that is far from the reach of pets and children in order to avoid unwanted accidents such as poisoning.

HCG Pregnyl Uses

HCG Pregnyl is highly effective in helping female patients become pregnant. This drug can also help males patients that are suffering from fertility issues (a treatment with this medicine usually enables such cases to produce a higher amount of testosterone).

HCG Pregnyl is a popular medicine that is regularly prescribed to female patients as part of a regimen that is supposed to induce:

- Ovulation induction in subfertility that is usually triggered by impaired follicle-ripening or by anovulation. - Luteal phase support. 
- Follicle preparation for puncture in controlled ovarian hyperstimulation programs (this usually occurs in the case of medically assisted reproductive methods and techniques).

HCG Pregnyl is a medicine that is regularly prescribed to male patients because of its ability to induce

- Hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism. - Some patients who were suffering from idiopathic dysspermias have positively responded to a treatment with this medicine. - Delayed puberty which is regularly associated with an insufficient function of the gonadotrophic pituitary glands. - Cryptorchidism, (not the one that is triggered by an abnormal anatomical obstruction).

HCG Pregnyl for Weight Loss

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Pregnyl is used to treat infertility. It can also be used in adolescent boys to initiate the dropping of the testicles. Most recently, HCG Pregnyl has become a weight-loss means. The HCG injection increases metabolism, which causes the body to metabolize fat quickly.

Get HCG Pregnyl

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1 comment:

  1. Many studies claim that HCG helps to mobilize fat reserves in the body of an overweight person, but still, it is rarely recommended to use it for weight loss. It is a debatable topic and there is no solid evidence that supports fat loss in humans by taking HCG. The HCG injections are mainly recommended to counter infertility in women, who are facing the problem of egg fertilization and conceiving a baby.


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